Our Mission

At the heart of the Developmental Learning Centre is the understanding that each and every child is a unique and worthwhile individual. Each child has the right to enjoy learning as a natural process and to be full of joy and enthusiasm at each stage of development.

When we meet a child who is struggling with learning, behaviour or emotional regulation we will search for any immaturities in the underlying neuro-developmental foundations upon which their learning capacity is built.

We then provide effective, natural therapies, based on a holistic, developmental model to remove barriers and strengthen the foundations which need to be in place for learning to be easeful.  We work with the family to create an inclusive team of support around each child.

It is our goal and greatest delight to see each child being set free from their difficulties with the ability to learn and live to their full potential.

Discover the stories of the children who have completed therapy at the Developmental Learning Centre and are a living expression of our mission:

Success Stories

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